163 Performance Management Board PDF 38 KB
(a) To receive and note the minutes
(b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes
The minutes of the Performance Management Board held on 17th February 2009 were submitted. Members were asked to note that the figure shown in recommendation (a) to Minute No. 94/08 should read £150,000.
(a) that the minutes of the meeting be noted;
(b) that the recommendation contained at Minute No. 94/08(a) - (Integrated Finance and Performance Report (Quarter 3) be considered later in the meeting, with the exact figure to be formally requested as part of the final outturn report;
(c) that approval be given to the recommendation that officers be requested to investigate the possibility of hiring out the Burcot Room in order to generate additional income; and
(d) that approval be given to the recommendation that further procedures be introduced for the 2008/2009 closedown, in particular the use of spot checks on high risk indicators, prior to external audit and during the year.