153 Climate Change - Key Issues for the District Council PDF 80 KB
The Cabinet considered a report on key issues for the District Council in relation to climate change particularly in view of recently introduced legislation and National Performance Indicators for local government.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor C. R. Scurrell reported on a recent Conference he had attended regarding climate change and expressed his support for the proposals within the report.
(a) that the key issues and obligations for the Council as set out in the report be noted;
(b) that the establishment of a joint post with Redditch Borough Council to be responsible for climate change policy be approved, subject to Redditch agreeing to jointly fund the post;
(c) that a Climate Change Project Management plan be prepared and implemented and that the plan be monitored by the Council’s Energy Efficiency Group; and
(d) that a report on the work of the Energy Efficiency Group be submitted to the next meeting of the Cabinet.