Issue - meetings

Predicted Outturn for Corporate Indicators 2008/2009

Meeting: 16/12/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 79)

79 Six Monthly Review of Estimated Outturn pdf icon PDF 42 KB

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The Board considered a report on the Council’s performance at the mid year point (30th September 2008) in relation to all of the performance measures published in the 2008/2009 Business Plans. There was discussion on indicator AC007 relating to outstanding debts. It was noted that it had been agreed previously that a report on this issue was to be submitted to the next meeting of the Board and that the Portfolio Holder for Finance would be invited to attend.


In response to queries raised by the Board, the Assistant Chief Executive undertook to provide additional information on the indicator relating to the number of employees retiring early (formerly BV14) and on measures available to maximise the percentage of Council Tax and Business Rates collected (LPICT1 and LPICT2). The issue of maximising opportunities for the employment of people with disabilities (formerly BV16a) was also discussed and the Assistant Chief Executive referred to the proposed work of the Local Strategic Partnership Economic Theme Group in this area.   



(a)       that it be noted that 82% of corporately reported performance indicators were projected to meet or exceed their target (as previously reported in the Integrated Finance and Performance report for Quarter 2) and  that 77% of all targets set in Business Plans are expected to be met; and

(b)       that the overall positions for each department in relation to their performance targets as set out in section 3.3 of the report be noted.

(c)        that a report be submitted to the Board in six months in relation to the employment of people with disabilities.  



(a)       that the corporate system be used to record all performance information both for corporately reported performance indicators and  departmental performance indicators; and

(b)       that as from 2009/20010 all performance measures included in Business Plans be required to have a performance indicator procedure note.