Additional documents:
The Head of Financial Services gave a presentation on the current position in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan 2009/2010 and the Capital Programme 2009/2010 – 2011/2012. The Head of Financial Services also referred to recommendations made at the recent joint meeting of the Overview Board and Scrutiny Board. These would be considered as part of the report and discussions on the Medium Term Financial Plan at the Cabinet meeting on 7th January 2009.
It was reported that officers were still considering the Capital Programme in view of the potential financial impact of borrowing to fund the Programme in the future.
(a) that the current position in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan be noted; and
(b) that officers be requested to review further the position in relation to the Capital Programme, with the aim of reducing the proposed programme to include only those projects which are considered as unavoidable to enable services to be delivered.