Issue - meetings

Declaration of Interests and Whipping Arrangements

Meeting: 14/01/2025 - Planning Committee (Item 64)

Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Councillor M. Marshall declared in relation to Agenda Item Number 5 (Minute No 67/24) – 24/00246/REM – Land at Kidderminster Road, Bromsgrove, in that he had personally excluded himself from previous discussions on the Perryfields Development Phase 1 because of his prior public statements with regard to a detailed aspect of the design, which was not included within the Phase 2 application before Members tonight. The legal advice that he had received was that he did not need to exclude himself from this reserved matters application, as he had stated that he would be approaching the application with a fair and open mind.


Councillor A. Bailes also declared in relation to Agenda Item Number 5 (Minute No 67/24) – 24/00246/REM – Land at Kidderminster Road, Bromsgrove, in that he had stood down from the Perryfields Development Phase 1 due to his involvement with Whitford Vale Voice and the Planning Enquiry. We were now in Phase 2, reserved matters, as the outline planning application had now been accepted; and he would be approaching this application with an open mind.