Issue - meetings

Integrated Finance and Performance Report (Quarter 2)

Meeting: 18/11/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 66)

66 Integrated Finance and Performance Report Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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The Board considered a report on the Council’s performance and financial position at 30th September 2008. Members raised a number of issues relating to the report on sickness absence and sundry debtors, to which the Head of Financial Services and the Assistant Chief Executive responded.  Members requested that information on the green waste service and payments system be included in the next Members Bulletin. 



(a)       that it be noted that 44% of PI’s for which data was available are          Improving or Stable;

(b)       that it be noted that 82% of PI’s for which data was available are          achieving their Year to Date target;

(c)        that it be noted 92% of PI’s for which data was available are predicted            to meet their target at year end;

(d)       that the successes and areas for potential concern as set out in the      ‘Council summary’ be noted; and

(e)       that detailed information on sickness absence and sundry debtors be made available at the next meeting.