The minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 9th December 2024 were considered.
It was requested by Members that a correction be made in respect of the inaccuracy in the minute record of item 64/24 – To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 9th December 2024:
It was requested that the inaccurate paragraph, which read as follows:
“The formation of the Cabinet Advisory Group (CAG) provided some useful discussions including the condition of play areas, approaching “end of life”. As instructed by CAG, Officers carried out a public consultation, with a useful session being held with the Consultant to discuss Foxgrove Way in more detail”.
Be corrected to:
“The formation of the Cabinet Advisory Group (CAG) provided some useful discussions including the condition of play areas, approaching “end of life”. As recommended by CAG, Officers carried out a public consultation, with a useful session being held with the Consultant to discuss Foxgrove Way in more detail”.
It was agreed the inaccuracy would be corrected.
It was also requested that a timescale be provided for the paragraph, which read The Leader of the Council expressed the view that an audit for
Parish Council play area provision should be carried out and for
transparency and scrutiny, be reviewed through the Finance and
Budget Working Group. The request was subsequently noted and agreed would be actioned accordingly.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 9th December 2024 be agreed as a true and correct record.</AI2>