Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 04/11/2008 - Overview Board (Item 8)

8 Forward Plan of Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 648 KB


Consideration was given to the Forward Plan which included key and non-key decisions due to be taken by the Cabinet over the forthcoming months.


The Chairman requested that the Forward Plan be extended to cover a 6 month period to: ensure the Overview Board was properly informed of future items the Cabinet would be taking decisions on; and to give the Board sufficient time to investigate such items.  The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Service responded that although the information being requested might not be available in the present Forward Plan format, Heads of Service could be requested to ensure their Business Plans, which included an annual projection of items coming forward to Cabinet, were accessible to Members of the Overview Board.


Questions were raised on a number of items including: Bromsgrove Town Centre; Review of Planning and Environment Services; Worcestershire Hub; Countywide Air Quality Strategy; and Future management of the Leisure Centres.


There was a particular concern raised in relation to the Countywide Air Quality Strategy and Members questioned what the Strategy could achieve.  The Board briefly considered whether or not further investigation was required into this matter, specifically in relation to what the Council planned to do to address air quality issues facing the District.  It was pointed out that a number of recommendations had been put forward by the Air Quality Task Group and the majority had been approved.  However, officers had been unable to implement them as speedily as they had wished.



(a)    that the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services liaise with other members of the Corporate Management Team to ensure that in future, the Overview Board has access to relevant information contained within Service Business Plans (i.e. items that were expected to be considered by the Cabinet in 3-6 months time);

(b)    that confirmation on the reasons for the delay of the report relating to the review of Planning and Environment Services be circulated to Members of the Board;

(c)     that information relating to the Worcestershire Hub and the Future Strategic Direction and Establishment of Worcestershire Hub Shared Service be circulated to Members of the Board;

(d)    that an informal meeting (possibly on 26th November 2008) between the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, any other interested Overview Board Members and relevant officers be set up for preliminary discussions to be held regarding the Countywide Air Quality Strategy and future plans of the Council to address air quality, with a view to help the Board decide whether or not further investigation by the Board might be required; and

(e)    that all other items on the Forward Plan be noted.