Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 10/04/2024 - Council (Item 112)

112 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 184 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 13th March 2024.



Recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 13th March 2024 were presented for the Council’s consideration.


Cost of Living Funding Proposal


The Leader of the Council introduced the report and in doing so updated the information which had been circulated with the agenda for the meeting.


The recommendation before the Council included figures for a 12-month period, but the content of the report had recommended funding should be provided for a 14-month period.  Updates to the figures quoted would therefore be required as follows:


a)    Citizen’s Advice Specialist Housing Adviser - £62,000 (Instead of £52,000)

b)    Voluntary Sector Money Adviser - £38,000 (instead of £32,000) and

c)     Enhancing the support of the Council’s Financial Inclusion Team - £50,000 (instead of £42,000)


The Leader then proposed the recommendation but with the exclusion of the Voluntary Sector Money Adviser at (b) consideration of which would be deferred.  She explained that she had asked for the areas proposed to be covered by this work to be mapped to avoid potential duplication and to understand where there were gaps in provision.


Further to a query raised at the Cabinet meeting, the Leader reported that the Council had been awarded funds from the Household Support Fund Round 5 of £106,570 for a 6-month period.  £29,500 would be spent on supporting Food Banks in the District.


Councillor S. Baxter seconded the recommendation.


During consideration of this item the following were the main points raised:


·       How the potential duplication of housing advice with the role of new posts recently agreed in the budget would be avoided.

·       Whether the proposals to enhance the Financial Inclusion Team would include outreach work in the community as residents were not always aware of where they could go for help.

·       In response to these queries, the Leader gave an assurance that the proposal relating to housing advice was aimed to support and advise landlords to reduce the likelihood of evictions.  The principle of outreach work lay behind the proposal for the Financial Inclusion Team.

·       A member referred to the essential living fund as an example of good practice and suggested that the proposed extra resource to tackle the cost of living pressures was welcome. 

·       A member expressed concern at the proposal to remove the Voluntary Sector Money Adviser from the proposal.  In response to a request for further details, the Leader reported that she wanted to understand the outcomes from the work the post would undertake and the needs it would address in the community.  For example, she was aware that some voluntary organisations in the District were currently also providing money advice.  Members also expressed the view that the voluntary sector currently carried out a range of work effectively and it was important that any additional resource provided should not undermine this.

·       The view was expressed that the proposed Citizen’s Advice (CAB) Specialist Housing Adviser should carry out outreach work to reach communities across the District.  A member suggested that the proposed funding would act as a lever  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112