Issue - meetings

To receive any announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service

Meeting: 21/02/2024 - Council (Item 91)

To receive any announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service




The Chairman made the following announcements:


“On 9th February 2024 the Government created some new peers. One of those ennobled was Charles Banner. Charles was brought up in Barnt Green and his proud mother, an ex-parish Councillor, still lives in the village. Charles has taken the name Lord Banner of Barnt Green in Worcestershire. This is a great honour for Barnt Green and we would like to offer congratulations to Lord Banner.”  The Chairman thanked Councillor C. Hotham for bringing this to the Council’s attention and the Council joined in a round of applause in congratulating Lord Banner.


The Chairman also reminded Members that there was a comedy night due to take place on Friday 1st March at Bromsgrove Golf Centre in aid of the Chairman’s charity – Age UK. She suggested that if people could not attend the night, they might like to donate instead by means of raffle prizes or cash for the charity Age UK.


Head of Paid Service


There were no announcements from the Head of Paid Service.