Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 14/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 68)

Declarations of Interest

To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests.


Councillor S. Colella declared an Other Disclosable Interest in his role as Chairman of Hagley Community Centre and as a Parish Councillor for Hagley in relation to Agenda Item Number 8, Minute Number 74/23 Non-Domestic Rates – Discretionary Rate Relief Policy.


Councillor K. Taylor declared an Other Disclosable Interest as a small business owner in relation to Agenda Item Number 8, Minute Number 74/23 Non-Domestic Rates – Discretionary Rate Relief Policy.


It was confirmed by the Monitoring Officer that all Members present had a standing dispensation in respect of Agenda Item Number 8, Minute Number 74/23 – Non-Domestic Rates – Discretionary Rate Relief Policy which was granted at the Audit, Standards and Governance Committee meeting on 1st June 2023.


Councillor S. J. Baxter declared an Other Disclosable Interest in her role as Trustee and Chair of Wythall Community Association including Wythall Park), in relation to Agenda Item Number 6, Minute Number 72/23 – Playing Pitch Strategy. Following consultation with the Monitoring Officer, it was agreed that although Councillor Baxter was a trustee of Wythall Community Association there were no financial implications contained within the Playing Pitch Strategy report. Therefore, it was decided that Councillor Baxter could remain in the meeting and take part in the vote thereon.


Councillor K. Taylor declared an Other Disclosable Interest as family members were members of Bromsgrove Cricket, Hockey and Tennis and Hockey Club in relation to Agenda Item Number 6, Minute Number Minute Number 72/23 – Playing Pitch Strategy.


Councillor S. Webb declared an Other Disclosable Interest as a community member for Catshill Village Meadow in relation to Agenda Item Number 6 Minute Number, Minute Number 72/23 – Playing Pitch Strategy.


Councillors S. Baxter and K. May declared an Other Disclosable Interest as they were carers of family members who were Blue Badge Holders in relation to Agenda Item Number 10, Minute Number 77/23 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2024/25 to 2026/27 (including Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board Recommendations, Treasury Management Strategy, Capital Strategy, Minimum Revenue Provision and Investment Strategy (Tranche 2)


Councillor K. Taylor declared an Other Disclosable Interest as Chairman of the Hereford and Worcestershire Fire Authority in relation Agenda Item Number 15, Minute Number 81/23 - Levelling Up Funding Update


Councillor C. Hotham informed Cabinet that a local resident, Mr. C. Banner K.C. had recently been ennobled as Baron Banner of Barnt Green. However, would be known as Lord Banner. Members congratulated Lord Banner on this appointment.