Issue - meetings

To receive the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on ...

Meeting: 12/01/2024 - Licensing Committee (Item 37)

37 Minutes pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Additional documents:


The public minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 13th November 2023 were submitted.


Councillor C. A. Hotham highlighted a typographical error in paragraph 4, page 16 of the main agenda pack, the word effect had been omitted, the paragraph to be amended to read as follows: -


“The current table of fares was included at Appendix 1 to the report. This

table of fares was approved by Licensing Committee Members during

the meeting held on 29th September 2022 and had taken effect from 7th

November 2022”.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 13th November 2023, be amended as detailed in the preamble above, and approved as a correct record.


The confidential minute of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 13th November was also submitted.


In response to questions from Members, the Council’s Legal Advisor provided a very brief verbal update.


RESOLVED that Members having noted the very brief verbal update, the confidential minute of the Licensing Committee meeting held on 13th November 2023, be approved as a correct record.