Issue - meetings

Upcoming Changes in Planning Procedure - Information for Parish Councils

Meeting: 30/09/2008 - Parish Councils' Forum (Item 5)

Upcoming Changes in Planning Procedures - Information for Parish Councils

Presentation by Mr. D. Birch, Area Planning Manager, to explain the changes to the General Development Order that are due to come into force on 1 October 2008.



At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. D. Birch, Area Planning Manager (West) addressed the Forum and detailed the changes to the Town and Country Planning Act General Development Order due to be implemented on 1st October 2008.


He explained the extension of the rights under Permitted Development, together with the major changes in the volume based approach to a new impact based system, and gave a brief overview of the different classes which would no longer require planning permission.  The Head of Planning and Environment Services added that the Planning Portal ( had an "interactive house" which he considered was a very useful and straightforward guide to the changes in planning legislation.


After answering a number of questions, the Chairman thanked Mr. Birch for his informative presentation.