Issue - meetings

Consultation with Parish Councils

Meeting: 30/09/2008 - Parish Councils' Forum (Item 3)

3 Consultation with Parish Councils pdf icon PDF 32 KB

(a)       on applications for Certificates of Lawfulness for an Existing Use or Development; and

(b)       on public speaking at Planning Committee


Additional documents:


(a)       Certificates of Lawfulness


Mrs. C. Felton, the Council's Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services detailed the processes and procedures relating to applications for Certificates of Lawfulness for existing uses or development (CLEUDs).  She explained that, whilst the relevant legislation did not specifically require the Council to consult with the parish councils in respect of CLEUD applications, the Council recognised that the parish councils were seeking to take part in the planning process.


In order for the parish councils to participate in the CLEUD process, it was proposed that information about applications received could be placed on the Council's website so that the parishes could stay informed as to the current CLEUD applications.  In addition, the Head of Planning and Environment Services stated that the Council's Enforcement Officer could also inform the parish councils of the details relating to each application as and when a decision is made on a CLEUD application.  However, he drew attention to the differences between applications for CLEUDs and applications for Certificates of Lawfulness for Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUDs).


Mrs. Felton added that the Council was not legally obliged to inform the parish councils of applications for CLEUDs but stated that, in the interests of working together with the parishes, the Council were seeking a way in which they could be notified.  She also stated that each parish council would need to appoint up to three members who would act as a contact with the District Council in order for comments to be forwarded, and that a trial period for this mechanism of, for example, six months would enable both the District Council and the parish councils determine whether this arrangement would adequately address the issues raised.


(b)       Public Speaking at Planning Committee


The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services informed the Forum that the District Council was investigating the extension of public speaking at meetings of the Planning Committee to parish councils, and the comments of the parish representatives were being sought.  The Head of Planning and Environment Services stated that a parish councillor or clerk would need to ensure that they speak with the authority of the parish council they are representing and not speaking in a personal capacity.


It was proposed that a report be made to the Planning Committee seeking their approval to such a scheme, the details of which would be finalised at the end of the year.