Issue - meetings

Fixed Penalty Notices

Meeting: 01/10/2008 - Cabinet (Item 73)

73 Fixed Penalty Notices pdf icon PDF 55 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the possible introduction of a system to address the issue of environmental crime such as dog fouling, litter, graffiti and fly tipping within the District. This would include the issuing of fixed penalty notices and the introduction of an interagency enforcement policy. It was reported that an officer working group had been established to begin to look at the issues involved in managing and enforcing environmental issues within the proposed framework. It was noted that a more detailed report would be submitted at a later date.



(a)       that the initial work undertaken be noted; and

(b)       that the introduction of a fixed penalty notice system together with a process for the establishment of an interagency enforcement policy to address environmental crime within the District be approved in principle and that a detailed report be considered in due course.