Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 19/07/2023 - Council (Item 31)

31 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 189 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 12th July 2023 (to follow).



Council was informed that there had been no recommendations made at the Cabinet meeting held on 21st June 2023.  However, recommendations had been agreed at the meeting of Cabinet held on 12th July 2023.


Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2023-2040


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and Strategic Housing presented the Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2040 for Members’ consideration. It was reported that the strategy set out a 20-year vision for the County and the significant role it played in decisions for housing in the future.


Cabinet was informed that the strategy would be delivered through four priority areas as follows:


  • Economic Growth and Jobs
  • Quality and Standards
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Net Zero Carbon and Climate Change


The Cabinet Members for Strategic Housing, Health and Wellbeing explained that the recommendations detailed in the report were being proposed with a slight alteration to the wording of the first recommendation, as detailed below:


The Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2021 – 2040 be adopted in principle.”


In terms of the future for the District, it was confirmed that there would be a local Action Plan introduced in order to address issues at a more local level. This was in the process of being worked on by Officers. 


The recommendations within the Worcestershire Housing Strategy 2023-2040 report were proposed by Councillor S. Webb and seconded by Councillor K. May.


Following the presentation, there was a detailed discussion regarding the report, which included the lack of detailed responses to the issue of Climate Change and the risks it posed to communities within the strategy. There was also reference made to several previous Government reports that had referred to specific risks that would be faced by residents and their communities in the future.


Council was reminded that this was a County wide strategy and was part of a bigger picture and provided a roadmap for the future. Further details in respect of Climate Change would be apparent within the local Action Plan and the Cabinet Member for Climate Change would certainly be involved in this.


Some Members welcomed the strategy and expressed the view that it was good to see that Bromsgrove District Council were taking a lead in this strategy. It was with this in mind that sincere thanks were extended to the Chief Executive in his role as Chair of the Worcestershire Housing Strategy Board. Furthermore Councillor S. Webb was also thanked for her work as the relevant lead Cabinet Member.


Member involvement in the formation of both the local Action Plan and the Council Plan was raised. Members queried whether there would be an opportunity for them to be involved in order to ensure that essential areas were covered in both plans, including affordable housing. It was confirmed that this would be the case and that Strategic Planning Steering Group (SPSG) meetings were in the process of being arranged to discuss these matters further.


Further discussion included reference to the disparity between house prices and income within the District and the growth  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31