Issue - meetings

Town Centre Update from Executive Director - Partnerships and Projects

Meeting: 16/09/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 46)

Town Centre Update from Executive Director - Partnerships and Projects


The Executive Director Partnerships and Projects, Mr. P. Street gave a general update on the current situation with regard to the regeneration of the Town Centre and responded to Members’ questions.


 It was reported that the consultation period for the Issues and Options document would end on 18th September and that the consultation and accompanying questionnaire had been widely available through “Together Bromsgrove”, on the Council’s website and had been distributed at the Street Theatre events. The results of the consultations would be analysed and a preferred option would be identified for further consideration. This process was required to be undertaken in order to produce an Area Action Plan for inclusion in the Councils Core Strategy.


The Executive Director for Partnerships and Projects also reported on the current position regarding the potential redevelopment of the Market Hall site and the consequences for the current stall holders. It was intended to hold markets in the High Street together with the successful Farmer’s Market and other “themed” market events which had proved to be very popular. 


It was reported that work was progressing on the total refurbishment of the public toilets. The building itself was structurally sound but would be totally refurbished and would include a 24 hour unisex facility together with a High Dependency Unit.


Members were briefly updated on the possible development of the former Parkside School and Birmingham Road sites and plans to improve the surface of the High Street and its general appearance through rationalisation of the street furniture and improvements to the lighting.



(a)       that consideration be given to the grant of Licences of a minimum of six months duration to Market Hall Traders with a view to providing some certainty during the Christmas period; and

(b)       that in view of the intention to fully refurbish the existing toilet block building rather than to completely rebuild it, consideration be given to ring fencing the budget savings for use on other projects to improve the Town Centre  and that as part of the refurbishment consideration be given to improving the external appearance of the building.