Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 25/01/2023 - Council (Item 80)

80 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet held on 18th January 2023 (to follow).



The Chairman advised that four recommendations had been made at the meeting of the Cabinet held on 18th January 2023, which had been highlighted for Council’s consideration.


CCTV Digitalisation Upgrade


The Leader presented the recommendation in respect of the CCTV Digitalisation Upgrade and in doing so, explained that this recommendation had been made by the Overview and Scrutiny Board at the meeting held on 21st November 2022; as a result of receiving a report from Officers. Members were advised that it was recommended that £48,600 be included in the Capital Programme and £6,030 per annum in the revenue budget as part of the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan for the upgrade of CCTV cameras at Brook Road (Rubery), Wythall and Alvechurch.


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor K. May and seconded by Councillor G. N Denaro.


RESOLVED that £48,600 be included in the Capital Programme and £6,030 per annum in the revenue budget as part of the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan for the upgrade of CCTV cameras at Brook Road (Rubery), Wythall and Alvechurch.


Council Tax Support Scheme


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance presented the report on the Council Tax Support Scheme. Members were advised that in October 2022, the Council had agreed to go out to consultation on an updated Council Tax Reduction Scheme. It was explained that the Council had received advice from its consultants that no Councils were reducing their Council Tax Reduction Schemes, and that many were increasing them to a scheme similar to the one Bromsgrove Council had introduced in 2021.


Council was advised that, having taken into account the Cost of Living crisis, Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest were all increasing the support available to eligible residents in their schemes. However the three remaining Worcestershire Councils were not making any changes to their schemes.


It was reported that in the updated scheme, the Council was increasing its discount bands by 5% each and that certain childcare charges and critical payments would be disregarded in order for the scheme to be open to more residents.


Members were advised that the consultation period for the new Council Tax Support Scheme had now closed and that 87 responses had been received. This, it was noted, was an increase from the 55 responses received during the previous consultation. Of the 87 responses received, Members were informed that 65% agreed with the widening of the bands, 82% agreed with the disregard to childcare payments and 80% agreed to disregarding critical payments.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Governance reported that Worcestershire County Council (WCC), as the major preceptor, had provided a view on the proposals. This was as follows:


“Whilst we would support in principle the ambition for many of the changes to your Council Tax Reduction Schemes, the net council tax income would reduce and that would mean the impact, however small, would ultimately be felt on the overall resources available across other district areas outside of Bromsgrove District  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80