Issue - meetings

Quarter 1 2008/2009 Integrated Finance and Performance Report

Meeting: 19/08/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 36)

36 Integrated Finance and Performance Report Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 159 KB

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The Board considered a report on the Council’s performance and financial position at 30th June 2008. Members raised a number of issues relating to the report to which the Portfolio Holder for Finance, the Head of Financial Services and the Assistant Chief Executive responded. Members raised issues relating to loss of income from the Market Hall and the timing of the commencement of works to provide the new toilet facilities in the Town Centre.   



(a)       that it be noted that 67% of performance indicators for which data was available were improving or stable;

(b)       that it be noted that 86% of performance indicators for which data was available were achieving their Year to Date target;

(c)        that it be noted that 96% of performance indicators for which data was available were predicted to meet their target at year end;

(d)       that information be provided to Members regarding the delay in the provision of sports facilities at Barnsley Hall;

(e)       that the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects be requested to attend the next meeting to update the Board on issues in the Town Centre such as the Market Hall and the new toilet facilities;

(f)         that at the next meeting information be made available on the level of member investigations and the associated cost implications; and

(g)       that information be provided to members on complaints received together with feedback from the new complaints system.