Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/06/2008 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 9)



The Chairman opened the Hearing and introduced the members of the Sub-Committee and officers present to the Applicant for Review ('the Applicant') and the other parties present.


The Chairman invited the other parties to identify themselves, so that the applicant and/or other Interested Parties were able to satisfy themselves that no person who may be in a position to influence the Sub-Committee remained in the room when the Sub-Committee considered its decision at the conclusion of the Hearing.


The Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee advised of a slight amendment to the published procedure to be followed at the Hearing, in relation to the running order of the speakers (meaning the Applicant for Review would present their case first, followed by the Environmental Health Officer and finally the licensee).  The Chairman advised that the parties could be represented by a legal representative at their own expense, or by a Ward Councillor.