Issue - meetings

To receive the minutes of the Overview Board held on ...

Meeting: 12/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 5th July 2022 pdf icon PDF 237 KB

(a)      To receive and note the minutes

(b)      To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes


There is a recommendation from the Board for consideration at this meeting.



The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Councillor C. Hotham, presented the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 5th July 2022.


Members were advised that during the meeting, the Board had considered two substantive items, on the subjects of housing enforcement and air quality.


For the discussion in respect of housing enforcement, Members had been advised that the legislation was in place and enforcement powers could be used by the Council if needed.  However, most landlords tended to be compliant with legislative requirements and, where issues occurred, landlords could often be encouraged to resolve problems without the need for the Council to take action through the courts.


On the subject of air quality, the Board had received a detailed presentation from Officers from Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS).  Members had been particularly interested in the information that had been provided about monitoring and testing air quality.  Historically, the only option available to Councils had been to use a big box analyser.  However, a new option, using chemical-based testing, was now available for Councils to use and could provide real time data.  The Overview and Scrutiny Board had been keen for the Cabinet to consider purchasing one of these new testing options to use on a trial basis in the District.  Cabinet was informed that there were financial implications to this proposal, as the equipment cost £4,000 to purchase and £2,000 to maintain.  However, this option was cheaper than using one of the big box analysers and, unlike the analysers, the equipment was mobile, so could be deployed in different locations where needed.


Members discussed the recommendation that had been made on this subject by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.  Reference was made to the data that could be obtained through testing and how this could be used in the long-term.  The Leader confirmed that Cabinet Members had already received a detailed presentation from the relevant Officer and a grant application had already been submitted for the equipment. In this context, Cabinet agreed to endorse the recommendation from the Board.


During consideration of this item, reference was also made to the items that had been discussed at a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 11th October 2022.  Cabinet was informed that the Board had pre-scrutinised the Worcestershire Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.  No recommendations had been made on this subject, although Members had been very impressed by the work and commitment of the officers who provided homelessness prevention services.


RESOLVED that Cabinet invite Richard Williams, Principal Officer (Planning and Pollution Control), Worcestershire Regulatory Services, to a meeting to present information on Electro Chemical Devices, which provide real time information on air pollution. With a view to Cabinet looking at the cost implications, advantages, and viability of installing an Electro Chemical Device in a pilot scheme in the district to assess the advantages of using such equipment.