Issue - meetings

Sidemoor - Lay-bys and Dropped Kerbs

Meeting: 30/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 39)

Sidemoor - Lay- Bys and Dropped Kerbs

The following outstanding Question on Notice was raised at the meeting of the Council on 16th July 2008 by Councillor E. J. Murray. The Leader agreed to refer the matter to the Cabinet for consideration:


“Will the Leader of the Council agree to consult his Cabinet and seek agreement to write to the County Council urging them to take steps to create lay-bys and dropped kerbs in Sidemoor in an effort to preserve grass verges and to generally improve the environment within which residents live in this area?”



The Cabinet received the following motion submitted by Councillor E. J. Murray:


“Will the Leader of the Council agree to consult his Cabinet and seek agreement to write to the County Council urging them to take steps to create lay-bys and dropped kerbs in Sidemoor in an effort to preserve grass verges and to generally improve the environment within which residents live in this area.”


Councillor Murray confirmed that he had also been in contact with the Chief Executive of Bromsgrove District Housing Trust in an attempt to achieve some improvement in the situation.


The Cabinet felt that a similar problem existed in a number of other areas within the District and that it would be helpful to ascertain whether the County Council was willing to assist in resolving the issue.


RESOLVED  that the County Council be requested to take steps to create lay-bys and dropped kerbs in Sidemoor in an effort to preserve the grass verges in the area.