Issue - meetings

Questions on Notice

Meeting: 20/04/2022 - Council (Item 109)

109 Questions on Notice pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.



The Chairman explained that three Questions on Notice had been received for consideration at the meeting and would be taken in the order in which they had been included in the agenda.  A maximum of 15 minutes had been allocated to the consideration of the Questions on Notice and the answers provided to those questions and no supplementary questions would be permitted.


Question Submitted by Councillor S. Robinson


Councillor R. Hunter asked the following question on behalf of Councillor S. Robinson:


“Do you agree with me that the levelling up funds awarded to Bromsgrove should stay in Bromsgrove and will you lobby Worcestershire County Council to invest the proceeds from the sale of the former Bromsgrove Library and fire station site into regenerating Bromsgrove High Street?”


The Leader responded by commenting that she regularly lobbied for Bromsgrove at the County level as did all Members who were both District and County Councillors.  It was as a result of this lobbying at both the County Council and the Fire and Rescue Authority that the Council was able to secure the deal in very short timescales.


Question Submitted by Councillor R. Hunter


“Can you confirm what your plans are for the Stourbridge Road car park now that it is being decommissioned as a covid testing centre and what the timescales will be for returning the site to a car park?”


In response to this question, the Leader commented that the mobile units were still on site and not likely to be removed until May 2022.  Once they had been removed, officers would survey the site and ensure that all reinstatement work was carried out.  At this point, it would return to use as a car park.


Question Submitted by Councillor J. King


“What are your plans for regenerating the vacant plot of land on School Drive formerly occupied by the Sports Hall? Will you commit to putting it back in to use as a public space for the benefit of the local community and explore whether it could also make a contribution to enhancing the natural environment?”


The Leader explained that from the Council’s perspective as landowner, information considered to date, suggested that this would be an ideal site for housing development. A business case was being developed that would be reported to Members in due course.