Issue - meetings

Digital Strategy

Meeting: 01/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 8)

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The Head of Business Transformation, Organisational Development and Digital Strategy presented the Council’s proposed Digital Strategy for Cabinet’s consideration.


Members were advised that in recent years, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic, organisations had increasingly been using digital technology in service delivery.  The Digital Strategy promoted a digital first approach to service delivery and there were four key themes to this approach:


·             Digital access for the customer

·             A digital workforce

·             Digital leadership

·             Digital infrastructure


The Council needed to be cautious when using digital technology.  There were areas that needed to be managed carefully including: cyber security, data protection and use of the cloud to store data.


In considering the use of digital technology, Members were asked to note that there were people who were not comfortable using digital technology.  When delivering services, the Council needed to continue to ensure that the needs of these people were met.  Members commented that there were also barriers that prevented some residents from making use of digital technology, including poor broadband connectivity in rural areas.


RESOLVED thatthe Customer and Digital Strategy be agreed and adopted.