Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support Scheme - Update

Meeting: 01/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Council Tax Support Scheme - Update pdf icon PDF 455 KB

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The Executive Director of Finance and Resources presented an update to Cabinet concerning the Council Tax Support Scheme and the process for consulting on changes to the scheme.


In considering the scheme, Members were asked to note that, whilst the Council collected Council Tax on behalf of precepting authorities, Bromsgrove District Council only received approximately 12 per cent of the Council Tax from Band D equivalent properties.  The rest was distributed amongst precepting authorities, with the majority of funding allocated to Worcestershire County Council.


Cabinet was informed that the Council was required to consult with both the public and precepting authorities about any proposed changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme.  Members questioned the extent to which there would be further consultation in respect of the Council Tax Support Scheme during the year and how frequently this would need to take place.  Officers explained that there would be consultation during the autumn and any further proposed changes would also need to be subject to consultation.


During consideration of this item, Members commented that the report was relatively lengthy.  The suggestion was made that, in future, the appendix to the report could be published in a restricted number of paper copies of a supplementary pack for meetings, whilst remaining available for everybody to view electronically, in order to reduce the amount of paper required for printing purposes.




1)          the present scheme be noted; and 


2)          the proposed consultation process for the 2023/24 scheme be noted.