Issue - meetings

Designated Public Places Order - Compass Way, Bream Park

Meeting: 21/07/2008 - Licensing Committee (Item 16)

16 Designated Public Places Order - Compass Way, Breme Park pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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Consideration was given to introducing a Designated Public Places Order (DPPO), which would prevent the consumption of alcohol, on a piece of open space at Compass Way, Breme Park, Bromsgrove.  This matter was being brought before the Committee as the Police, who were responsible for enforcing any restrictions on public drinking in designated areas, were not willing to support this particular request as they had insufficient evidence of anti-social behaviour caused by alcohol consumption in the area, and felt they already had sufficient measures in place to keep any anti-social behaviour occurring in the area under control.


At the Chairman's discretion, Councillor Mrs. C. M. McDonald, Ward Councillor for Charford, spoke in favour of introducing a DPPO on this piece of land.  In doing so she stated that a petition regarding anti-social behaviour in the area had been handed to the Police at a PACT (Partners and Communities Together) meeting which had taken place some three or four months previously, hence why the request for a DPPO had been made.


It was noted that information provided by the Council's Community Safety Analyst had shown that there had been only two alcohol related incidents in the area in question over the last two years.  As such, in the absence of clear evidence of alcohol related public nuisance or disorder and the lack of Police support in this regard, Members felt unable to support the request.  If, however, the number of recorded incidents relating to public drinking increased sufficiently in the future then the position could be reconsidered.      


RESOLVED that the request for the creation of a Designated Public Places Order at Compass Way, Breme Park, Bromsgrove, be refused.