Issue - meetings

Climate Change Strategy/Carbon Reduction Implementation Plan

Meeting: 26/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 39)

39 Climate Change Strategy pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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The Head of Environmental and Housing Property Services presented the Carbon Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan for the next 3 years for the consideration of Cabinet. 


Members were informed that the strategy set out plans for the Council to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040, ahead of the Government’s target of 2050. Each of the Council’s service areas had contributed to the strategy and it was hoped that taking this approach ensured carbon reduction would become embedded throughout the organisation in the future.


In respect of the additional staffing information contained within the report, it was acknowledged that given the importance of this area of work, it was considered necessary to establish a new officer post to provide support at a more strategic level going forward. It was confirmed that this additional staffing resource would form part of the financial budget bid process later in the municipal year and was included in the Medium Term Financial Plan item due to be considered later in the meeting. 


Cabinet was informed that the strategy would be refreshed every three years and reviewed annually. Alongside this, progress against targets would be reviewed twice a year by the Climate Change Working Group and annually by the Overview and Scrutiny Board and Cabinet. The Head of Environmental and Housing Property Services thanked Mr. A. Pearson, from the Midland Net Zero Hub who had been involved in the preparation of the Carbon Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan.


RESOLVED that the Council’s Carbon Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan, including the three recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Board (agreed at Minute Number 35/22) be endorsed and adopted.