Issue - meetings

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Meeting: 22/11/2021 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 47)

47 Cabinet Work Programme pdf icon PDF 323 KB


During consideration of this item, Members requested the following items form the Cabinet Work Programme be included on the Board’s Work Programme for future consideration:


·       Levelling Up Funding – Projects and Timeframes

·       Housing Enforcement Powers and how they are used

·       Flooding Strategy - Cabinet report.


In respect of the above items, Members explained that they felt that it was important that all Members were aware of the projects that were being planned as a result of the Levelling Up Funding that had recently been received. It was explained by the Executive Director of Resources that a report to Cabinet was being planned and therefore could be pre-scrutinised prior to its consideration by Cabinet. The Board were keen for all Members to be invited to the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting where this item was to be considered.


The Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services undertook to follow-up with officers regarding when the Flooding report was likely to be considered by Cabinet and provide an update to the Board.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Work Programme be noted.