Issue - meetings

Questions on Notice

Meeting: 01/12/2021 - Council (Item 67)

67 Questions on Notice (to follow) pdf icon PDF 296 KB

To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.



The Chairman explained that 8 Questions on Notice had been accepted for inclusion on the agenda.  Following publication of the agenda, Councillor A. English had withdrawn her Question on Notice.  In addition, Councillor S. Douglas had agreed to postpone consideration of her Question on Notice until the following meeting of Council to ensure that the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board could be present to provide an answer to the question.


Question submitted by Councillor H. Rone-Clarke


As the leader is aware, in 2019 this council declared a climate emergency…as we look forward in our quest to tackle climate breakdown, it is important we have our own house in order. In this vein, can the leader report on the number of organisations this council does business with, which invest or profit from fossil fuels and will she pledge to fully divest from them by this time next year?”


The Leader responded by explaining that the Council did business with a large number of organisations. The authority did not require those businesses to declare their investment policies. The administrative burden that would be created by collecting and checking such data would be significant and the outcomes unclear, therefore such data collection was deemed impracticable. However, the Council itself did not directly invest in, or profit from, fossil fuels.


Question submitted by Councillor R. Hunter


Councillor S. Robinson read out the following question on behalf of Councillor Hunter:


“Cashless car parking


What was the outcome of the consultation on ending cash payments at BDC car parks? How many responses where received in support and how many against? Can the Leader now make a commitment to Council that we will continue to allow those who need to pay by cash to do so in Bromsgrove?”


The Leader responded by confirming that a report comprising all responses would be available for Members’ consideration shortly.  In total 554 people had responded and it was the Council’s intention to ensure one machine on each car park continued to accept cash.


Question submitted by Councillor J. King


“Empty homes


This time last year the Lib Dem Group brought forward a motion calling on Council to stop providing a council tax discount on long term empty homes and to instead charge an additional council tax premium on property owners who keep homes empty (without exemption status). In recent days we have seen reports in the press that the number of empty homes in our district has increased again. Will the council take action on this issue and use the council tax system to encourage property owners to act responsibly?”


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling commented that a full report on this issue had been drafted and would reach Cabinet early in the New Year. If adopted, it would take effect from April 2022. The Council’s vacancy rate by the date of the Council meeting was 1.10% against a national average of 1.16%.


Question submitted by Councillor K. Van Der Plank


“The night time economy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67