Issue - meetings

Civil Parking Enforcement

Meeting: 02/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 29)

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The Cabinet considered a report, which summarised an in depth feasibility study by RTA Associates Ltd., on the adoption of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) within the District.  It was noted that whilst the adoption of CPE powers would have ongoing revenue cost, the adoption of alternative methods of operation would drastically enhance the business case for this, meaning it was crucial to maximise any alternative methods such as on-street charges and Automatic Plate Recognition Systems (ANPR).  The current low level of enforcement by the Police also meant there was a strong customer business case for adoption, particularly in certain areas of the District.  Members noted that it was officers' belief that CPE would become a statutory requirement for Councils in the future and that if ultimately proceeding down this route any decision to do so could not be reversed.



(a)       that the adoption of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE), including Automatic Number Plate Recognition Systems (ANPR), be further scoped in line with the regeneration of the town centre, and that a further report be submitted to the Cabinet on this in twelve months’ time;

(b)       that a steering group to manage the CPE process be established; and

(c)        that officers commence discussions with the County Council to establish an agency agreement between the District and County Council.