Issue - meetings

Levelling Up Fund - former Market Hall and Windsor Street Sites

Meeting: 19/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Levelling Up Fund - Former Market Hall and Windsor Street Sites pdf icon PDF 377 KB

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The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Strategic Partnerships presented a report on the subject of the Levelling Up funding that had been awarded to Bromsgrove for regeneration of the former market hall and Windsor Street sites.  The Council had been awarded £14.5 million Levelling Up funding.  Some of this funding would be used to develop a creative sector in Bromsgrove town centre.


During consideration of this item, it was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Board had pre-scrutinised the report at a meeting held on 17th January 2022.  Members had suggested that there should be more than one Councillor appointed to the Levelling Up Fund Programme Board and the Leader had agreed that this should be the case.  Therefore, in addition to the Leader, the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Enabling and for Planning and Regulatory Services would be appointed to the Board to speak on financial and planning matters respectively.


Reference was made to the purpose of the work on a creative sector under the proposals and the extent to which this would involve the introduction of multi-purpose facilities.  Cabinet was informed that a multi-functional hub would be developed that could be used for all sorts of leisure and cultural activities.


Cabinet concluded discussions in respect of this matter by thanking the Head of Economic Development and Regeneration for North Worcestershire and his team for their hard work in respect of this matter. 




1)         Authority is delegated to the Head of North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration (NWedR), following consultation with the Section 151 Officer, the Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Town Centre and Strategic Partnerships to purchase the former Fire Station site at Windsor Street, Bromsgrove.


2)         The Levelling Up Fund programme governance and delivery arrangements are approved.


3)         A new Programme Manager post is created in the NWedR service to manage the delivery of the LUF programme.