Issue - meetings

PMB Recommendation Tracker

Meeting: 15/07/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 29)

29 PMB Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 72 KB


The Board considered a report tracking the progress of resolutions and recommendations made by the Board from April 2007 meeting onwards.



(a)    that a review of the Sustainable Community Strategy be discussed at the next meeting of the Board to decide whether or not it needs to be incorporated into the current work programme;

(b)    that, at the next meeting in August, the Board be provided with feedback in relation to each Portfolio Holder prioritising up to four of the top key points of the Customer Panel Survey 2 – Quality of Life and incorporating them in their respective service plans;

(c)     that, in relation to a Corporate Indicator on Disabled Facilities Grants, as requested by the Cabinet, the Board, together with the Assistant Chief Executive at the next meeting in August, considers how the Disabled Facilities Grants performance could be measured; and

(d)    that the recommendation tracker report be noted.