Issue - meetings

Monthly Performance Report - Period 2 (May 2008)

Meeting: 15/07/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 28)

28 Monthly Performance Report - Period 2 (May 2008) pdf icon PDF 32 KB

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Members considered a report on the Council’s performance as at May 2008 (period 2).


There were concerns raised over the average speed of answering telephone calls at the Customer Service Centre as the target had not been met in April and the average speed of answer had fallen by another two seconds in May.  The Head of Financial Services informed Members that following a report which analysed the calls received by the Customer Service Centre, there had been measures put in place to reduce call waiting times and a process had been implemented whereby back office teams would take calls in relation to Council Tax recovery during peak periods of collection.


It was pointed out that figures included in Appendix 3 relating to the number of missed household and recycle waste collections had not been updated.



(a)    that performance indicators for both the number of missed household and recycle waste collections (reference LPI Depot) be amended to the new approved targets, as previously reported at the last meeting of the Board (minute number 19/08);

(b)    that it be noted that 67% of Performance Indicators were stable or improving;

(c)     that it be noted that 76% of Performance Indicators with a target were meeting their target at the month end and that 100% of Performance Indicators with a target were predicted to meet their target at the year end;

(d)    that the performance figures for May 2008 as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be noted;

(e)    that it be noted that for a second month running: the number of missed recycle waste collections had reduced; usage of sports centres had increased; high rates of resolution at first point of contact at the CSC had been maintained, well above target; and sickness absence fell considerably; and

(f)      that it be noted that there were no Performance Indicators of particular concern.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet request the new Improvement Manager, together with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to undertake an evaluation of the Customer Service Centre with a view to improving the average speed of answering calls.