Issue - meetings

To receive any announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service

Meeting: 29/09/2021 - Council (Item 34)

To receive any announcements from the Chairman and/or Head of Paid Service


The Vice Chairman advised that sadly former District Councillors, Katie Gall and Jean Hancox, had passed away during the summer.  In addition, former Parish Councillor, Dean Smith, who had filmed many Council meetings over the years, had also died since the previous meeting of Council.  The Vice Chairman led Members in paying tribute to the former District Councillors by observing a minute’s silence.


During consideration of this item, the Vice Chairman explained that Council wanted to make reference to the recent Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo and that he understood that all Group Leaders had met and wanted the Council to collectively acknowledge with pride the excellent achievements where Team GB came fourth and second respectively in the medal tables.


The Vice Chairman asked Council to resolve to congratulate all Olympians and Paralympians on their fantastic achievements at this year’s games and to record the authority’s particular pride in the contribution and achievements of all of the athletes and support team from the District who took part, including Paralympian, Ms Lauren Rowles, who achieved her second gold medal during the summer.


Members were advised that the Chairman would write to Ms Rowles extending the Council’s congratulations.


The Head of Paid Service confirmed that he had no announcements to make on this occasion.