27 Recommendations from the Cabinet (to follow) PDF 96 KB
To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 7th July 2021.
Bromsgrove District Plan – Local Development Scheme
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services presented the Local Development Scheme for Members’ consideration. Council was advised that the report outlined the revised timetable for the Local Development Scheme but did not address wider areas of planning policy at this stage. Any proposed changes to the Bromsgrove District Plan would be reported for Members’ consideration at meetings of the Strategic Planning Steering Group.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor A. Kent and seconded by Councillor K. May.
RESOLVED that Bromsgrove District Council Local Development Scheme 2021 is approved as the Council’s programme for plan-making, effective as of 8th July 2021.