Issue - meetings

Financial Update Regarding Leisure Services

Meeting: 24/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 37)

37 Financial Update Regarding Leisure Services pdf icon PDF 254 KB

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The Executive Director of Finance and Resources presented a report that provided a financial update regarding Leisure Services.


Cabinet was informed that across the country leisure services had been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The situation in respect of Leisure Service provision in Bromsgrove District represented a financial risk to the Council.  Action was being taken in respect of risk management to help mitigate the risks.  As part of this process, the Council aimed to secure additional grant funding, such as funding from Sports England, to help cover costs.


During consideration of this item, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board explained that the Board had pre-scrutinised the report in detail at a meeting held on 22nd November 2021.  All of the options available to the Council in relation to Leisure Services had been considered by the Board, which had concluded that the resolutions detailed in the report represented the best way forward for the Council.




1)        The impact of Covid-19 on Council’s contracted Leisure service and the steps taken to mitigate the financial risks in this regard are noted;

2)        the financial context and the financial impact in this regard are noted;

3)        the options available to the Council are noted; and

4)        the proposal to negotiate a 2021/22 deed of variation to the contract is approved.