Issue - meetings

Monthly Performance Report - Period 1 (April 2008)

Meeting: 17/06/2008 - Performance Management Board (Item 19)

19 Monthly Performance Report - Period 1 (April 2008) pdf icon PDF 38 KB

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The Board gave consideration to a report on the Council’s performance as at April 2008 (period 1). The Assistant Chief Executive referred to the significant changes made by central government to the performance indicator set. In view of the replacement of the Best Value Performance Indicators with a set of National Indicators, many of which were not applicable to District Councils, a revised set of indicators had been introduced, comprising some of the National Indicators together with local indicators. As a consequence of the change to National Indicators there were now no quartile figures. For some of the new indicators no targets had been set although this would be undertaken in future years when benchmarking information was available. 


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Mrs. M.A. Sherrey, portfolio holder for Street Scene and Community Safety, referred to the new targets which had been set for the local indicators relating to the number of missed collections of household waste and recycle waste. On reflection it was felt that the targets set in this regard had been too onerous particularly in view of the small numbers of missed collections compared to the number of households visited.


It was also requested that in respect of the indicator relating to fly tipping, additional information be included within the commentary on the number of incidents compared with the previous year. 



(a)       that the changes to the performance indicator set and the consequences for performance reporting as set  out in the report be noted; and

(b)       that the performance figures for April 2008 as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be noted.


RECOMMENDED   that the Cabinet be requested to agree to the revision of the targets for the local indicators relating to missed collections of household waste to 1400 (from 900) and of recycle waste to 600 (from 200), bearing in mind that if these targets are met this would still demonstrate a significant improvement in performance from the previous year.