Issue - meetings

Catshill Neighbourhood Plan Adoption

Meeting: 20/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 28)

28 Catshill Neighbourhood Plan Adoption pdf icon PDF 493 KB

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The Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager presented the Catshill Neighbourhood Plan for Members’ consideration.


The draft Catshill Neighbourhood Plan had been considered by Cabinet in February 2021.  Since then the Catshill Neighbourhood Plan had been submitted for the consideration of an independent examiner, who had been happy with the content subject to a small number of minor amendments.  The Catshill Neighbourhood Plan had subsequently been published and had been the subject of a local referendum on 7th October 2021.  In total 88% of electors had voted in favour of adopting the Catshill Neighbourhood Plan and 12% had voted against, with a turnout of 16%.


Members commented that the content of the Catshill Neighbourhood Plan would be good for Catshill.  The residents who had turned out to vote in the referendum were thanked for participating in the process.




1)        The result of the referendum on the Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan, held on 7th October 2021, is duly noted




2)        the Catshill and North Marlbrook Parish Neighbourhood Plan be ‘made’ (formally adopted) immediately, in accordance with the relevant legislation.


(Prior to consideration of this item, Councillor S. Webb declared an other disclosable interest due to her role as ward Councillor for Catshill South and because she resided in the ward.)