Issue - meetings

Questions on Notice

Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Council (Item 61)

61 Questions on Notice pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.


Additional documents:


The Chairman highlighted to Members that an updated list of the questions had been provided in the supplementary pack and that a period of 15 minutes was allocated to the presenting and responses to, these questions.  There would be no supplementary questions.


Question Submitted by Councillor S Robinson


“Can the portfolio holder inform me what enforcement is being carried out to stop cars parking on double yellow lines?”


The Leader responded that the Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) routinely patrolled the District carrying out enforcement on all Traffic Regulation Orders including double yellow lines.  Last financial year 426 Parking Contravention Notices (PCNs) were issued against vehicles parked on double yellow lines, this financial year due to COVID-19 restrictions the number of PCNs issued so far on yellow lines was 245.  Unfortunately, it was not possible for CEOs to be everywhere all of the time, therefore if Members had any specific areas of concern, they could contact the Parking Team via email  who would do their best to increase monitoring of that area for a period of time.


Question Submitted by Councillor K Van der Plank


“Many of our local businesses are really struggling especially as a result of this new lockdown. Please could the Leader confirm what business grants are still available to businesses in the District impacted by Covid. What is the process for applying for these and the deadline and how is this going to be communicated across the district?”


The Leader responded that the Council had received funding to provide support to any of its businesses that were closed during the November period of restrictions or had been forced to close during the current period of national restrictions.  In addition, it had provided support to hospitality, hotel and leisure businesses that were open during December but were significantly impacted by the tier 2 and tier 3 restrictions that were in place.


The Council has developed a discretionary grant fund for businesses that were not required to close but were impacted by the restrictions.  This scheme would provide support to hospitality and leisure supply chain businesses who would have lost income because their customer base was forced to close.


The schemes could be applied for on the Council’s website; and each application would be considered for eligibility for all the Government support schemes and were being promoted on-line and by social media.  Where contact details were held, businesses would be contacted by text or email and urged to apply directly by the Council.


Question Submitted by Councillor R Hunter


“Please could you update council on what is being done to support those local businesses worst affected by the pandemic. Can you confirm how many Bromsgrove businesses have received the Additional Restrictions Grant since November and how many Bromsgrove pubs have received their Christmas Support Grant?”


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources firstly, asked it to be put on record his thanks to all the teams that had been dealing with the grant applications at this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61