Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Council (Item 59)

59 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 13th January 2021 (to follow).



Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board


Councillor A Kent, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services introduced the report and clarified that, due to the timing of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board (WRSB) meeting, which was held shortly before the Council’s meeting in December, he had covered off the majority of the recommendations within the discussion at the December meeting.  However, the main changes had been due to the deferment of the uplift which WRS had imposed at late notice in respect of the ICT accommodation charges and the ICT hosting charge.  It was noted that all recommendations had been included for clarity.


Councillor Kent took the opportunity to recognise the sterling work which WRS were doing during the current situation.  The Covid Marshalls were doing an excellent job and he recommended that any Members who received local information about difficulties in their areas, if they contacted WRS or himself, they would assist in alleviating any problems.  He thanked them for their hard work in a very difficult time, which only highlight what a good service it was. 


The Chairman requested that the Council’s thanks be relayed back to WRS.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor A Kent and seconded by Councillor H Jones.




a)    the additional partner liabilities for 2021/22 in relation to the increase in accommodation charges and ICT hosting from Wyre Forest District Council be approved as follows;


Bromsgrove District Council



b)    partner authorities approve the following 2020/21:


1.1 the 2021/22 gross expenditure budget of £3,739k as shown in appendix 1 of the report;

1.2 the 2021/22 income budget of £529k as shown in appendix 1 of the report;

1.3 the revenue budget and partner percentage allocations for 2021/22 onwards –




Revised %

Bromsgrove District Council




1.4 the additional partner liabilities for 2021/22 in relation to unavoidable salary pressure –


Bromsgrove District Council



1.5 the additional partner liabilities for 2021/22 in relation to three technical officers.



Tech Officer Income Generation


Tech Officer Animal Activity £000

Tech Officer Gull Control £000

Bromsgrove District Council





