Issue - meetings

Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues and Options Consultation

Meeting: 29/05/2008 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 8)

8 Bromsgrove Town Centre Area Action Plan Issues and Options Consultation pdf icon PDF 53 KB

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The Working Party considered an updated report on the Issues and Options document in relation to the Town Centre Area Action Plan together with the consultation process to be undertaken.


 It was reported that the Issues and Options stage of the Area Action Plan process was intended to provide an opportunity for the public to express both positive and negative opinions about the Town Centre. In order to focus responses on the aspects of the Town Centre redevelopment which could be affected by the planning system, the document contained a number of significant issues and options to overcome each issue although respondents were also encouraged to suggest alternative options. The document was intended to trigger discussion around certain key areas.


There was some concern that all Members of the Council had not received a copy of the document and that the vision contained within Section 2 of the document was not the same as that agreed by full Council as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy. It was also felt that it would be helpful in future for the minutes of the Town Centre Steering Group to be submitted to this Working Party. Following discussion it was



(a)       that subject to the vision for the Town Centre being replaced with the vision agreed by Council as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy 2007-2010, the document be approved for consultation purposes as an “issues” paper only and circulated to all members of the Council;

(b)       that the questionnaire currently being developed to accompany the consultation document be considered at the next meeting of the Town Centre Steering Group and that the questionnaire be extended to ensure there is focus on key issues and additional options are included in respect of those key issues;

(c)        that the minutes of the Town Centre Steering Group be submitted to the Local Development Framework Working Party for information; and

(d)       that it be made clear on the Council’s website that the consultation document is a draft document at present.