Issue - meetings

Core Strategy Update

Meeting: 29/05/2008 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 7)

7 Core Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 52 KB

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The Working Party considered a report on the current position regarding the preparation of the Preferred Options Core Strategy. The progress made on various studies which would assist with the provision of an evidence base to support policies within the Core Strategy was considered.


Consideration was also given to the draft Spatial Vision and it was reported that it was intended to consult on this vision at the forthcoming Town Hall meeting of the Local Strategic Partnership on 9th July 2008. It was felt that there should be a reference to the development of the Longbridge site within the vision document.


RESOLVED  that the progress made on the preparation of the Preferred Options Core Strategy be noted.


RECOMMENDED   that the Spatial Vision be approved for consultation subject to the inclusion of a reference to the Longbridge site.