Issue - meetings

Motion - Car Park Fines

Meeting: 30/04/2008 - Cabinet (Item 176)

Motion - Car Park Fines

The following item has been included at the request of Councillor Mrs. McDonald:


"Residents who overstay on Bromsgrove District Council's car parks have the opportunity of a reduced fine of ten pound if it is paid within one working day.  Then the thirty and sixty pound fine then kicks in."


The Cabinet received the following motion submitted by Councillor Mrs. C. M. McDonald:


"Residents who overstay on Bromsgrove District Council's car parks have the opportunity of a reduced fine of ten pound if it is paid within one working day.  Then the thirty and sixty pound fine then kicks in."


Councillor Mrs. McDonald stated that she felt the Council was hostile and unfriendly towards motorists in its approach with parking fines and that the fines currently in place were extortionate.  She added that the system made motorists into criminals and that there might be good reason why motorists were late in returning to their vehicles, meaning they should be given the opportunity of putting things right before the £30 and £60 fines kicked in.


Councillor Mrs. Sherrey, as relevant Portfolio Holder, stated that, in practice, there was often a short period of grace for motorists as it took time for the wardens to monitor vehicles and that a reduced fines system had previously been in place in 2006, which motorists had apparently taken advantage of.


RESOLVED that officers prepare a report on the proposal contained within the motion for consideration at the next meeting of the Cabinet.