Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 26/02/2020 - Council (Item 87)

87 Recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 12th February 2020 pdf icon PDF 10 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 12th February 2020.



Pay Policy Statement

Councillor G. Denaro, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling presented the Pay Policy Statement and in so doing highlighted that the figures did not take account of the management review as the previous years’ data was used.  This would be picked up in the next year’s statement.  Councillor C. Hotham asked for clarification in respect of point 21 on page 95 of the agenda pack which referred to publication of the full time equivalent salary at £50k and whether this was the overall salary or the salary split between both Councils.  It was understood that it was the overall salary, but Councillor Denaro agreed to confirm this outside of the meeting.


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Denaro and seconded by Councillor K. May.


RESOLVED that the Pay Policy as detailed in appendix 1 to the report be approved.


Medium Term Financial Plan

Councillor G. Denaro, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling presented the Medium Term Financial Plan. In presenting this Budget to the Council, he advised that he was pleased at the progress that had been made over the last 12 months and, looking forward, was encouraged by the strong position that enabled the Council to maintain its current services to its residents and add to them in areas of concern, that had been highlighted by residents.


Councillor Denaro explained that when the Council started the budget process last year it was looking at a budget gap of £678K to achieve a balanced budget. This had been done with a surplus being created, as evidenced by the table on page 99 of the agenda pack, and was remarkable and gratifying with all the adjustments shown having occurred over several months.


Two particular items were highlighted, an unexpected credit of £436k for the Council’s pension funds.  £236k of this was used in the budget whilst placing £200k in a pension reserve against swings the other way. He believed this was prudent and sensible. Secondly, the Council had received New Homes Bonus of £1774K which was £589k over that which had been anticipated. This was also good news as it put an additional £70k back into local communities.


In respect of Pay and Inflation costs the Council had budgeted for a 1% rise, but it was now likely to be 2%, hence the additional pressure.  Within unavoidable costs was the extra community funding for New Homes Bonus, which was welcomed.  However, not so welcome were the Local Plan review and Highway costs. The Council hoped to reduce its reliance on the Highway consultants from a current peak of £150k to nil over the next 2 years. The Council was continually reviewing its contract with Mott McDonald which was likely to continue until the Council had regained faith in the processes at Worcestershire County Council.


It was noted that savings and additional income have been boosted by two major issues. Following the Council’s exit from the GBSLEP rates pool, it no longer had to pay a fee of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87