Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/01/2020 - Council (Item 77)

77 Motions on Notice (to follow if any) pdf icon PDF 41 KB

A period of up to one hour is allocated to consider the motions on notice.  This may only be extended with the agreement of the Council.


Additional documents:


The Chairman advised that, prior to the meeting, the Group Leaders had agreed to a number of motions being withdrawn and the order that the remaining would be considered had been amended.  The Chairman thanked the Group Leaders for their co-operation in this matter and he hoped that this would continue for future meetings.


Rough Sleepers in the District

Councillor M. Thompson advised Council that he had withdrawn his motion as he had spoken to the relevant Portfolio Holder and was happy to work directly with her on this matter.


Strategic Planning

Councillor S. Baxter advised that following discussions she had also agreed to withdraw her motion and a meeting with all Group Leaders and the relevant officers would be arranged to discuss the concerns that she had raised.


Car Parks

As previously discussed, Councillor S. Hughes also confirmed that she was happy for her notice of motion to be withdrawn.


Climate Change

Members considered the following notice of motion from Councillor S. Douglas.


“In light of the threat of Climate Change, this Council should take practical steps to combat its consequences.


Therefore, we call upon the Cabinet to carry out a full analysis of land in the ownership of the Council which would be available for the planting of wild flowers and trees.”


The motion was proposed by Councillor Douglas and seconded by Councillor H. Rone-Clarke.


Without debate and with the agreement of Councillor Douglas, it was agreed that this matter would be referred to the Cabinet for further consideration.


Defending our district against flooding

Members considered the following notice of motion from Councillor J. King.


“Council notes the considerable damage and disruption that recent floods have caused in our community and the likelihood of further problems as a result of climate change.

Council resolves to task the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with reviewing the resources made available for flooding prevention in our community with a view to making more investment available if necessary from 2021/22.”


The motion was proposed by Councillor King and seconded by Councillor R. Hunter.


It was noted that this matter had tentatively raised at the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 13th January when Members had been in agreement to it being a subject worthy of more detailed scrutiny.  With this in mind and with the agreement of Councillor King, it was agreed that the matter be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Board for further consideration.


Show Pride in our LGBT Community

Members considered the following notice of motion from Councillor R. Hunter.


“Council notes that each year a Pride festival is organised in Worcester to recognise and celebrate our LGBT community. 


Council believes that as a Worcestershire authority we should help to enhance the visibility of this important work. 


Council resolves to fly the Rainbow Flag at the Parkside Building on Worcester Pride weekend which this year falls on 19-20 September and each year thereafter. Council further resolves to publicise our support for the event.”


The motion was proposed by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77