Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 22/01/2020 - Council (Item 73)

73 Recommendations from the Cabinet - 4th December 2019 and 15th January 2020 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meetings of the Cabinet held on 4th December 2019 and 15th January 2020.


The recommendations from 15th January 2020 will be provided as soon as they are available.

Additional documents:


Cabinet Recommendations 4th December 2019


Worcestershire Mineral Plan – Statement of Common Ground

Councillor A. Kent as Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services presented the report.  It was explained that the matter had been brought before Council for transparency, as he and the Leader were County Councillors.


Councillor Kent highlighted a number of areas within the report, namely that the plan contained no new allocations, the Minerals Local Plan covered the whole of the county of Worcestershire and, once adopted, would be a Development Plan Document and form part of the Development Plan for Worcestershire. This meant that it sat alongside the district Local Plans and the Waste Core Strategy and should be used to determine any minerals-related planning matters in the county.  It provided for the steady and adequate supply of minerals in the county until 2035. The Minerals Local Plan would be used by Worcestershire County Council to make decisions about planning applications for mineral extraction, processing and restoration. It would also be used by District Councils to ensure other types of development did not sterilise mineral resources or negatively impact mineral infrastructure.


It was further explained that the Minerals Local Plan must enable a steady and adequate supply of minerals from the county to contribute towards supplying both local and national demand. The majority of mineral working in the county was sand and gravel for the aggregate industry.  Brick clay was also worked in the north of the county for brick making, a small amount of silica sand was dug for industrial purposes and a small amount of brine was extracted for making food-grade salt. There are also building stone, crushed rock and coal deposits in the county, but these were not currently worked.


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Kent and seconded by Councillor K. May.


RESOLVED that the statement of common ground with regards to the Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan and that delegated authority to the Leader of the Council to sign and send the agreement to Worcestershire County Council on behalf of the Council be approved.


Fees and Charges

Councillor G. Denaro, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling introduced the report and advised that the progress and clarification relating to Fees and Charges, which had commenced last year had continued this year, with the following criteria being used as shown in paragraph 3.2 of the report:


·         Service to be subsidised by Council

·         Service to break even

·         Was the service achieving surplus to offset other/overhead costs.


As highlighted in Paragraph 3.1 of the report it was also noted that CPI would be used on inflation rates in the future.

Councillor Denaro commented that the Finance and Budget Working Group had once again played a full part in this year’s analysis and Heads of Service had attended to give any explanations required.  Cabinet had also adopted in full, the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Board which were included at page 67 within the agenda pack.


Councillor Denaro also took the opportunity  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73