Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme

Meeting: 13/11/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 57)

57 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme pdf icon PDF 233 KB


Officers advised that there were a number of changes to the planned work programme for the meeting on 2nd December due to the items being put back on the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme.  This included the following:


·         North Worcestershire Economic Growth Strategy – this would now be considered at the Cabinet meeting o 15th January 2020.

·         Review of Customer Access and Financial Support Services and Estate Management and Facilities Management Structure Proposals – the Executive Director, Finance and Resources explained that as the financial impact of the proposals was within the delegation guidelines then the Chief Executive was able to authorise the changes and they did not need to go to Cabinet as there would be no net additional cost to the Council arising from the reports.

Members were reminded that the item on substantive item on the agenda for the next meeting was the Overview and Scrutiny – Select Committee Findings and Government Guidance.  This had first been considered by the Board at the first meeting of this municipal year when Members had agreed that as there were a number of new Members to the Board they would like to understand the workings of the Board itself in more detail, before formally considering this report.


Officers further advised that the recruitment process for a replacement Democratic Services Officer had been completed and a new member would be joining the team in early December.  It was therefore anticipated that for January 2020 there would be capacity for the Board to set up at least one new task group if it so wished.  It was suggested that Members may wish to think about any areas of particular interest that would warrant such a group being set up and for them to contact the Senior Democratic Services Officer to discuss this and complete a scoping document for consideration by the Board.


RESOLVED that subject to the pre-amble above the Overview and Scrutiny Board’s Work Programme be noted.