Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/11/2019 - Council (Item 64)

64 Motions on Notice (to follow if any) pdf icon PDF 48 KB

A period of up to one hour is allocated to consider the motions on notice.  This may only be extended with the agreement of the Council.


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The Chairman asked Members to be concise in their discussions as there were a large number of motions to be considered at the meeting.  Councillor S. Colella asked it to be noted that he had withdrawn his motion and would take the matter up directly with the relevant Portfolio Holder.  He further commented that he felt that there were, in many cases, a number of other ways in which the issues raised in the motions could be dealt with and urged members to consider these before submitting a motion.


Fly Tipping


Members considered the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor K. Van der Plank:

“This Council notes that;

- Fly tipping cost this Council £88,000 and over 200 staff hours to clean up in the financial year 2018-19.  Time and money that could be put to better use for our residents. 

 - Fly tipping damages our natural environment, harming both wildlife and our eco-systems. 

Keeping our district clean and protecting our environment by tackling and eliminating fly tipping is essential in building a district people can enjoy and where people are proud to live  

This motion calls on this Council to request that the Cabinet

1.         Explore more effective methods of environmental enforcement in particular the levels of investment in CCTV

2.      Make it clear this District will not tolerate fly tipping and will take a tough stance on offenders. Look into the levels of funding allocated to enable the investigation of incidents and ensure fly-tippers are held to account.

3.      Ensure that when prosecutions occur that this is communicated widely to deter rogue operators and fly-tippers.

4.      Raise awareness with residents through a comprehensive communication campaign including: 

- ensuring residents understand they must take appropriate steps to ensure they give their waste to a person who is licensed. If they don’t and their rubbish is found dumped and it’s tracked back to them, they will be prosecuted or receive a fixed penalty notice.

- promoting the green agenda, and in particular, encouraging residents to reduce and reuse so less waste is created 

- encourage residents to be vigilant (whilst remaining safe) and report suspicious behaviour and incidents of fly tipping

5.      Work with County and cross-boundary with Birmingham to explore opportunities to collaborate to reduce fly tipping and encourage and make it easy for residents to dispose of waste properly

6.     Make it easier for our residents to access the directory of licensed waste collection companies on the environment agency website by providing a prominent link on the BDC Website alongside information about County Council tip site in our district.

7.      Put the necessary steps in place to ensure that all fly tipped waste, whether hazardous or non-hazardous is removed within a timely, efficient and safe way. 

8.      Explore ways in which the Councils Bulky Waste Service can be expanded to take additional items that are not currently available under our disposal arrangements with the County Council and how much this would cost.”


The Motion was proposed by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64