Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme

Meeting: 21/10/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 49)

49 Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme pdf icon PDF 234 KB


Officers highlighted to Members that there were a number of items, which should have been considered at this meeting, but as previously explained under the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme item, these had slipped and therefore had a knock on effect on the Board’s Work Programme.


The Work Programme would be amended accordingly and concerns were raised with Councillor Denaro that the constant movement of items had a detrimental impact on the work of the Board.  A number of items would again have to be moved from the December meeting in order to accommodate items from the Cabinet Leader’s Work Programme.


Officers reminded Members that an extra meeting had been planned for November, which would be devoted to the scrutiny of the Crime and Disorder Partnership.  This was a statutory requirement and in order for Members to get the best out of the subject they were asked to let officers know of any particular areas they wished to discuss in detail.  As requested officers had also asked the Community Safety Manager to invite partners to attend that meeting, however Members were reminded that their role was to scrutinise the work of the Partnership as a whole and not individual partner organisations.  As there were a number of new Members on the Board officers agreed to provide copies of the last report considered by the Board together with minutes of the meeting in order for them to understand better the subject that they were scrutinising.


RESOLVED that subject to the preamble above, the Overview and Scrutiny Board’s Work Programme be noted.