Issue - meetings

Apologies for Absence

Meeting: 21/10/2019 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 38)

Apologies for Absence and Named Substitutes


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Beaumont.


Councillor M. Thompson as Chairman took the opportunity to explain to Members that he had resigned from the Labour Group and was now a Member of the Bromsgrove Alliance.  For the time being Councillor Colella had stood down from the Overview and Scrutiny Board to allow Councillor Thompson to take his place and he hoped that everyone would be in agreement to him (Councillor Thompson) continuing as Chairman of the Board.


All Members were supportive of Councillor Thompson continuing in his role as Chairman of both the Overview and Scrutiny Board and the Finance and Budget Working Group.


Councillor Thompson also took the opportunity to advise Members that following this change Councillor Douglas would no longer be a Member of the Board.  He thanked her for her hard work and involvement in the short time she had been on the Board.